ClotheDreamer: Text-Guided Garment Generation with 3D Gaussians

1Shanghai University, 2Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3Fudan University, 4Tencent Youtu Lab *Corresponding Author

ClotheDreamer can generate high-fidelity wearable 3D garment assets from texts.

Garment Gallery


High-fidelity 3D garment synthesis from text is desirable yet challenging for digital avatar creation. Recent diffusion-based approaches via Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) have enabled new possibilities but either intricately couple with human body or struggle to reuse. We introduce ClotheDreamer, a 3D Gaussian-based method for generating wearable, production-ready 3D garment assets from text prompts. We propose a novel representation Disentangled Clothe Gaussian Splatting (DCGS) to enable separate optimization. DCGS represents clothed avatar as one gaussian model but freezes body Gaussian splats. To enhance quality and completeness, we incorporate bidirectional SDS to supervise clothed avatar and garment RGBD renderings respectively with pose conditions and propose a new pruning strategy for loose clothing. Our approach can also support custom clothing templates as input. Benefiting from our design, the synthetic 3D garment can be easily applied to virtual try-on and support physically accurate animation. Extensive experiments showcase our superior and competitive performance.



Given a text description, we first leverage ChatGPT to determine clothing ID types for initialization. We introduce Disentangled Clothe Gaussian Splatting (DCGS), which represents clothed avatar as One-Gaussian model but freezes body Gaussian splats to achieve separate supervision. With parsed Gaussian Splatting (GS) render, we use Bidreactional SDS to guide clothing and body RGBD renderings separately with pose condition. We also support template mesh input for versatile personalized 3D garment generation.

Animation Results

Auto Fitting

ClotheDreamer generated garments can fit different body shapes.


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GaussianDreamer: Fast Generation from Text to 3D Gaussians by Bridging 2D and 3D Diffusion Models.
HumanGaussian: Text-Driven 3D Human Generation with Gaussian Splatting.
DreamGaussian: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation.


        title={ClotheDreamer: Text-Guided Garment Generation with 3D Gaussians}, 
        author={Yufei Liu and Junshu Tang and Chu Zheng and Shijie Zhang and Jinkun Hao and Junwei Zhu and Dongjin Huang},